Here are NEW measures we are undertaking:
· Worship in our sanctuary is cancelled for all of April.
· Video worship will be offered on our YouTube channel: go to YouTube.com, type “EBCSF” in the search bar and our page will appear. Select the video you want to see.
· If you would like to attend the taping of a service or be a participant, call the office. The total number of persons on site will be limited to ten.
· We offer a Daily Prayer sent via Call-Em-All. You must contact the office to opt into this calling group. These calls go out at 7:00 pm and last less than two minutes.
· We have a generous offer to pick up groceries for persons who are practicing “social distancing.” Call the office to get connected.
· On weeks where the monthly newsletter is not going out, we are mailing and emailing a “Joyful Newsletter” that replaces the weekly bulletin.
· Starting Palm Sunday we will offer parking lot worship. You are invited to park close to the upper entrance and remain in your vehicle. We will have a way of broadcasting the service so that it can be heard in your vehicle. This will run in concert with our videotaped worship offered on YouTube. If weather permits, on Palm Sunday we will have a parade of palms and on Easter Sunday we will celebrate communion in addition to our brief worship service.
· The deacons have a program of assistance where church families can anonymously “adopt” a household affected by COVID-19 economic losses. If you’d like to support this program or know a household in need, contact the office.
· Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services will be videotaped and put on YouTube. If you want to be a participant, (offer music or a prayer) contact the office.
· The March Quarterly Business Meeting, which had been postponed until April 26th, is now cancelled. Pray we’ll be able to have our next scheduled QBM on Sunday, June 28.
· Evening Adult Bible Study is moved from Wednesday nights to Thursday nights at 6:00 pm.
This is a lot to take in.Changes have been happening quickly and there have been a great number of them.Fact is, none of us has experience with anything quite like this, so we are doing the best we can to keep strengthening “the ties that bind” while minimizing risk of exposure.We will notify you in advance of all changes.