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Our COVID-19 Accommodations

Writer: Pastor BrettPastor Brett

Here are the measures we have undertaken in response to the guidance we have received:

· Worship on March 22nd and 29th is cancelled.

· Video worship will be offered on our YouTube channel: EBCSF.

· Our Quarterly Business Meeting is postponed until Sunday, April 26, 11:00 am.

· We offer a Daily Prayer sent via Call-Em-All. You must contact the office to opt into this calling group. Calls go out at 7:00 pm, the calls last two minutes or less.

· We have a generous offer to pick up groceries for persons who are practicing “social distancing.” Call the office to get connected.

· Instead of a bulletin, we will print and mail a “Joyful Newsletter” that will contain news and notes related to the video worship services.

· We hope and pray to be able to return to services on Easter Sunday but this is by no means certain. If not, we have ideas for ways to conduct worship for smaller groups.

· In order to provide some “social distance” between us and Lunch is Served, all Wednesday activities will be held on Tuesdays, starting this Tuesday, March 24. Times will be the same.

· If we are able to worship together on Easter Sunday, we will have two worship services and ask people to attend one or the other, no breakfast.

· The deacons are organizing a program of assistance where church families can anonymously “adopt” a household severely affected by COVID-19 economic losses. If you would like to support this program or know a household in need, contact the office.

As you have seen, the situation changes rapidly. We will notify you in advance of all changes.



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