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How to Have Your Full Share of Joy

Writer: Pastor BrettPastor Brett

1 John 1:1-4

            We are all members of God’s flock, the sheep of His pasture, as the Bible says.  That doesn’t mean it’s OK for us to be “sheepish” about sharing our faith in Christ.  In his article “Do Talk to Strangers,” Bill DeWandler shared the following example.

            “Initiating spiritual conversations is not a foreign concept to Rich Graham. Father of 6 and bank vice president, Rich had previously decided to use his lunch hours to share his faith in the neighborhood near his office.

            “‘As I was driving along the road, I saw an older man by the side door of a house, fumbling with his keys and trying to get the door unlocked,’" Rich remembers. “‘I continued driving even though I sensed that God wanted me to go back and talk to this person.’

            “Rich finally did a U-turn and found the man. Rich walked up and introduced himself.  Moments later, Rich asked [the man whose name was] Larry, ‘Do you have the assurance that if you were to die today, you would go to heaven?’ Larry wasn't sure and agreed to listen to Rich as he explained the gospel.

            “Larry put his trust in Christ and became choked up with emotion. Larry explained that his older brother had recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Rich asked if he could visit him, and Larry gave him the hospital address.

            “A few days later, Rich visited Larry's brother and explained to him how he could know Christ personally. Unable to talk, the terminally ill man nodded his head and prayed with Rich, receiving Christ. Two strangers responded to the gospel because of Rich's compassion for people and obedience to Christ.  ‘There is no greater joy in the Christian life,’ says Rich, ‘than sharing my faith.’”

            Unfortunately, many of us refrain from speaking about Jesus because we think it's about “selling” the gospel.  Instead, it’s about establishing a meaningful dialogue, having a conversation with another person.

            Maybe we don't talk with people about Christ because we don't think we’re ready. Because we’re not selling Jesus, we don’t need to have a prepared speech.  What’s most important is listening to the other person, then sharing how Jesus is good news for them.

            Maybe we’re afraid of getting a bad reaction or offending anyone. There is no excuse for abrasive or rude behavior, but neither is there any excuse to disobey, even when it makes us uncomfortable.  If we receive a negative reaction, we can excuse ourselves and just walk away.

Sharing Jesus is the ultimate way to share joy.

1. Proclaim Jesus as God. (1:1-2)

            In this case, John wanted to establish from the fact that Jesus existed FROM THE BEGINNING.  This verse reads very similarly to the prologue of John’s Gospel: IN THE BEGINNING THE WORD EXISTED.  THE WORD WAS WITH GOD, AND THE WORD WAS GOD. (John 1:1)  The WORD referred to in John 1:1 is the same as the ONE referred to in 1 John 1:1, that is, Jesus Christ.

            This is an important point to make as it establishes the divinity of Jesus, so that we will know He is the Messiah, the ONE God had promised would come to save His people from their sins.  It is also important for establishing the authority of John’s Gospel.  John didn’t make up stories about Jesus to attribute divinity to Him.  Instead, he observed divine qualities in Jesus and witnessed about those experiences.

            John proclaimed Jesus as an eyewitness of His glory.  Notice the sensory words John used to describe his time with Jesus: HEARD...SEEN...TOUCHED.  These are the usual ways we experience one another.

            John observed three particular divine qualities about Jesus and noted them in verse two.

- HE IS THE WORD OF LIFE = These six words are a recap of John 1.  Jesus is WORD in the sense that He represents all that God is, but in human form.  He is the power of God.  The purpose of God the Son becoming Jesus of Nazareth was to provide LIFE.  In His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus made eternal life possible for us.

- THE ONE WHO IS LIFE ITSELF WAS REVEALED TO US.  Only God is the source of life.  The means of His self-revelation was to become human, one of us, to speak with us directly.

- HE WAS WITH THE FATHER relates back to FROM THE BEGINNING.  God the Father, Son, and Spirit are one.  All of them existed before creation and were directly represented in the person of Jesus.

2. Proclaim Jesus together. (1:3-4)

            John proclaimed Jesus so they could have FELLOWSHIP with each other and with God.  Verse three = WE PROCLAIM TO YOU WHAT WE OURSELVES HAVE ACTUALLY SEEN AND HEARD SO THAT YOU MAY HAVE FELLOWSHIP WITH US.

            One of the things John HEARD Jesus say is, “I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE.” (John 14:6)  He is the only way to know the TRUTH and receive the LIFE He provided for us on the cross.  Everyone who has acknowledged this TRUTH has received LIFE and shares that LIFE in the FELLOWSHIP of a local church.

            Especially at this time of the year when we are spending time administrating the church, preparing for next year, we need to be reminded that the church is not the “Killer Bs:” buildings, budgets, and by-laws.  Those things are the least important aspects of church life.  We need to be wary of them as they are just as often divisive as they are unifying.

            You will often hear people say, “The Church is people.”  That’s only partially true.  The Church is truly Jesus Christ.  He is at the center and the people form a circle around Him.  Everything else is a distant second in order of priority.

            John wrote, OUR FELLOWSHIP IS WITH THE FATHER AND WITH HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST.  People have different reasons for getting involved in a local church, but the only reason that really matters is to have FELLOWSHIP with God.  John wrote about our FELLOWSHIP with one another first, but our FELLOWSHIP with God is vastly more important.

            It is our shared faith and the presence of the Spirit within us that makes true and gratifying FELLOWSHIP possible.  Otherwise, the local church is little more than just another service organization.  Persons who stop attending the local church when they could be on hand, betray the fact that they’ve already broken fellowship with God.  If we are serious about what the Bible says about the local church, we would recognize there is no life of faith apart from it.

            John wrote about Jesus so they could FULLY SHARE in the JOY of being in Christ. (4)  The word translated as FELLOWSHIP in v. 3 is koinonia.  Its root meaning is “held in common” or “shared” as opposed to having one’s own.  Koinonia sets a very high standard for the assembly of Christians in the local church.  In the original language, it includes the ideas of “communion,” “participation,” and “partnership.”  It is sharing a common life that goes much deeper than membership in an organization.

            Historically, the church that achieved the highest level of koinonia was the very first church in Jerusalem.  Their sense of koinonia led them to meet daily, pool their resources to serve the poor, and was rewarded with continual, dramatic growth in members.

            As the footnote in our NLT Bibles show, the original language allows for the fullness of joy to belong to John and his followers and/or to the folks in the church to which he wrote this letter.  One is as good as the other, so I say, “Why not both?”  John’s JOY would be full because of the satisfaction of seeing these believers whom he’s loved and nurtured come to a maturing relationship with God.  Or their JOY would be full because they were having true FELLOWSHIP with the Lord and with one another.  Either way, we understand that a FULLNESS of JOY is only possible as we are in FELLOWSHIP with God first, and one another second.

            John’s expressed purpose in writing what would become these three letters was to share joy.  That should be our purpose in living: to SHARE the JOY of JESUS with as many people as possible.  We’re not here in a local church to make ourselves feel good, but to provide a place where FELLOWSHIP is manifest in worship, service, stewardship, discipleship, and witness.  We need to be on our guard against anything that will allow the Enemy to squelch our JOY, for that is our strength.

Sharing Jesus is the ultimate way to share joy.

            One way to help us carry on a conversation with strangers about our faith is to be prepared with a method.  This is not a gimmick, not any attempt to deceive the other person, it is simply a way to share our faith with them. 

            Let me offer you a simple method developed by Campus Crusade for Christ.  It involves the use of four symbols you can draw on a piece of paper and briefly explain.

            Draw a heart.  This first symbol shows that God loves every human being.  Briefly share when you first became aware of God’s love and how it felt.

            Then draw a division symbol. This represents the division caused by sin.

Relate a short story how sin separated you from God and/or someone else.

            Next, draw the third symbol, a cross.  This stands for Jesus dying for us, becoming the solution for the problem of sin.  Speak to how good it feels for a relationship to be restored.

            The final symbol is a question mark.  This symbol calls the other person to decide what to do with this information.  It is the point of inviting them to accept Jesus as their Savior.  There is no pressure here, only gentleness.

            These four symbols encompass the entirety of the Gospel.  When you add Scripture to them and illustrate them with personal experience, it makes their simple directness more appealing and relatable.


            Bill DeWandler, “Do Talk to Strangers,” retrieved from, on 25 October 2024.

            Message #540

            Rich Atkinson, “One Easy Way to Talk About Jesus With Today’s Generation,” retrieved from on 25 October 2024.



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