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July Advisory Board Meeting

Pastor Brett

F.Y.I. = For Your Information

What follows is one person’s observation of our Advisory Board’s meeting on 09 July 18. This is not offered as minutes or any other kind of official record of the proceedings. It is strictly FYI. - Pastor Brett

“Health Day” at EBC

Our Board voted to recommend the report of the AED Ministry Team: that the purchase of an AED unit to be financed by a designation of Memorials and a private, anonymous donation. Family members of the donors have re-approved the designation of funds for this purpose. The Ministry Team did some investigating and could not find any grants for the project.

This item will be added to the agenda for our September Quarterly Business Meeting (date and time to be announced). We will resolve the matter under a special procedure of limited debate and use of a paper ballot.

The AED training session tentatively scheduled for July 19 will be postponed and will change into a more comprehensive event called “Health Day.” To the AED training we will add other life-saving training, health education, and wellness checks. Stay tuned for more information about Health Day. If you have suggestions about what might be included, offer ideas to Al Parliament and/or Val Thompson.

Our Church Van

Recognizing our church van is not ideal for the use of our aging church members and friends…

Recognizing that our church van is getting on in years and in miles with an equivalent increase in maintenance costs…

Our Board will begin to look into a possible replacement. All findings and proposals will be submitted to the membership before enacting anything: this is purely an investigative step. As the cost of a truly accessible vehicle is - at the moment - prohibitive, please join us in praying for God to make a way!

Our Church Centennial

Emmanuel Baptist Church was organized on August 7, 1921. We hope to plan a centennial celebration that will glorify God and honor everyone who has contributed to that wonderful heritage of faith. If you have interest in serving on a ministry team to organize that event, please contact the church office.

On a related note, it has been suggested that we might solve our problem of missing and worn pew Bibles by having a purchase of new Bibles in time to install them at our Centennial service. Perhaps the Centennial Ministry Team might take on that responsibility too?



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