Tuesday, June 19
6:00 pm - Our Quarterly Business Meeting begins with a Potluck Dinner. Come join in the fun!
Wednesday, June 20
9:00 am - Nehemiah Prayer Group
10:00 am - Adult Bible Study: Conversation that Honors God
12:00 - Constitution Review Ministry Team
5:30 pm - Adult Bible Study: Conversation that Honors God
Thursday, June 21
3:00 pm - "Fresh Expressions"is an outreach initiative coming out of our ABC/USA denominational offices. You are invited to attend any of the three meetings.
7:00 pm - "Fresh Expressions"
Friday, June 22
10:00 am - "Fresh Expressions"
1:00 pm - SAGE is taking a "field trip" to tour Touchmark and then fellowship at Marlin's.
Sunday, June 24
9:30 am - Worship
10:30 am - Fellowship